As the seasons change and the holiday season arrives, families gather and typically enjoy time visiting the “nest” or the family’s “home base.” These times that reunite loved ones are also great opportunities not only to celebrate the year, but also to look ahead to what’s next. For those who are retired or will be in the foreseeable future, the holidays are one of the best times to plan your next move. If you’ve learned the countless benefits that a Continuing Care Retirement Community (or CCRC) offers, you’ll be able to use the holidays to plan for your new, invigorating lifestyle.

Holiday times are the best times to plan your move to a CCRC.







Dive in to downsizing

Moving to a smaller space can really be a big upgrade. You’ll enjoy a fresh start and the ability to make the space exactly what you want and need. At a community like Trinity Landing, you’ll also be able to customize your new home in a variety of ways so that you can have an ideal space for your ideal retirement lifestyle.

Beyond that, the holidays present a great opportunity to plan which belongings and furnishings you will take to your new home. With family in town and a move on the horizon, this is also a good time to determine what you’ll pass down to your loved ones – and who wants what – from furniture to the holiday decorations (likely already on display). The help and presence of family is a great way to spark what many consider the toughest part of downsizing: getting started. For more help, check out this article on expert downsizing tips!

Divide and conquer

“Teamwork makes the dream work,” the saying goes, and the same is true for planning the move to your dream home at Trinity Landing. With your family around for the holidays, you can give the transitioning process a boost by dividing tasks so you’re not overwhelmed. For example, one family member can be in charge of furniture, another can lead the way on clothing and another can coordinate donating extra or unwanted items to local charities.

Prepare for a vacation-style retirement

As you enjoy the holiday season, you’ll be glad to know that your retirement lifestyle at Trinity Landing will be like a holiday—every day. Guests will always be welcome, and you will be able to spend time with them as you enjoy the beautiful campus and vibrant community along the famous Intracoastal Waterway.

Considering all of this, the best way for you to experience what life will be like at Trinity Landing is to schedule your personalized visit. Simply click here, or call us at 910-398-9400 to get in touch!

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